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Esquimalt Curling Club

White Ensign Mixed Bonspiel

February 23-27, 2005

Welcome Curlers!

Another successful year. Congratulations to all the curlers and thank you to those that make this event possible.


The Bonspiel Results:
'A' Event
1stBruce Joanisse
2ndGary Callander
3rdSteve McKague
4thDon Vermiere

'B' Event
1stDave Davies
2ndClyde MacDonald
3rdWayne Jones
4thBob Dallin
'C' Event
1stBob Fortune
2ndDar Pringle
3rdDiana McIntosh
4thKelly Lovell
'D' Event
1stChris Baier
2ndLois Richmond
3rdJay Heseltine
4thBob Pope


Rank2004/05     2003/04        
1Bruce Joanisse Bruce Kim    
2Gary Callander Steve McKague    
3Steve McKague Ben Wilson    
4Don Vermiere Gord Petersen    
5Dave Davies Jason Montgomery    
6Clyde MacDonald Denis Sutton    
7Wayne Jones Lois Richmond    
8Bob Dallin Tony Ibaraki    
9Bob Fortune Gary Callander    
10Dar Pringle Dave Davies    
11Diana McIntosh Jennifer Markides    
12Kelly Lovell Kelly Lovell    
13Chris Baier Allan Thomson    
14Lois Richmond Dale Kulyk    
15Jay Heseltine Don Vermiere    
16Bob Pope Ken Lidstone    


Rank2004/05     2003/04
1Bruce Joanisse Bruce Kim
2Gary Callander Steve McKague
3Steve McKague Ben Wilson
4Don Vermiere Gord Petersen
5Dave Davies Jason Montgomery
6Clyde MacDonald Denis Sutton
7Wayne Jones Lois Richmond
8Bob Dallin Tony Ibaraki
9Bob Fortune Gary Callander
10Dar Pringle Dave Davies
11Diana McIntosh Jennifer Markides
12Kelly Lovell Kelly Lovell
13Chris Baier Allan Thomson
14Lois Richmond Dale Kulyk
15Jay Heseltine Don Vermiere
16Bob Pope Ken Lidstone

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Fraternal Order of EaglesA-Tech DoorsTrackside Auto RepairAsham Curling Supplies