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Esquimalt Curling Club

White Ensign Mixed Bonspiel

February 13-17, 2019

Another successful year. Congratulations to all the curlers and thank you to those that make this event possible.


The Bonspiel Results:
'A' Event
1stLarry Erickson
2ndRichie Gabriel
3rdGeoff Davis
4thClay Snelling

'B' Event
1stDave Shortill
2ndAl Thomson
3rdMichael Bryan
4thJim Williams
'C' Event
1stYanni Vasilakopoulos
2ndKristi Joyce
3rdJules Looy
4thTanya Clark
'D' Event
1stLois Richmond
2ndJon Swartz
3rdRandy Niemen
4thBrian Feldman

Important Times

Registration starts at 6:00pm, please register as a team BEFORE you go on the ice for your first game.
Bar open from 6:00pm to 11:30pm
First draw starts at 6:45pm

Bar open from 5:30pm to 12:30am
First draw starts at 5:00pm

6:30am TIMMIES coffee, timbits and snacks at the rink; please go to the top of the stairs
Bar open from 11:00am to 5:00pm
WCCMT Massage Tables upstairs in Curling Lounge from 11:00am to 4:00pm
First draw starts at 7:00am with the last draw starting at 4:00pm

Enclosed with your registration package are four banquet tickets which are required to enter the banquet. This year’s banquet will once again feature a hot and cold buffet.
Location: Delta Ocean Pointe Resort Victoria, BC
Bar Hours: 6:00 pm – 12:30 am
Dinner: 7:00pm
Dance: 8:00pm

8:30am TIMMIES coffee, timbits and snacks at the rink; please go to the top of the stairs
Bar open from 11:00am to 5:00pm
WCCMT Massage Tables upstairs in Curling Lounge from 10:00am to 1:00pm
First draw starts at 9:00am and the finals are at 2:00pm if you are able to come and watch some excellent curling that would really be appreciated!


Rank2018/19     2017/18     2016/17     2015/16
1Larry Erickson Keith Kresse  Bomb Mike Angrove
2Richie Gabriel Dave Long Keith Kresse Murray Walker
3Geoff Davis Brian Boyd Murray Walker Ben Wilson
4Clay Snelling Derek Richmond Clay Snelling Dolores Wallace
5Dave Shortill Ron Bilodeau Kevin McDonald Ron Bilodeau
6Al Thomson Greg Renton Greg Renton Bruce Joanisse
7Michael Bryan Tony Ibaraki Don Allan Tanya Clark
8Jim Williams Mike Badry Al Schyf Debbie Bradley
9Yanni Vasilakopoulos Cecil Issel Keith McIntosh Trevor Smith
10Kristi Joyce Cindy Brar Dolores Wallace Jim Williams
11Jules Looy John Leroy Chris O'Brien Cecil Issel
12Tanya Clark John Davis Rich Gabriel Greg Renton
13Lois Richmond Dolores Wallace Mike Angrove Keith Kresse
14Jon Swartz Tanya Clark Tom Sandwith Bruce Morrison
15Randy Niemen Gerry Batt  Chris Cardiff Gerry Batt
16Brian Feldman Jim Williams Jim Williams Dave Long


Rank2018/19     2017/18
1Larry Erickson Keith Kresse
2Richie Gabriel Dave Long
3Geoff Davis Brian Boyd
4Clay Snelling Derek Richmond
5Dave Shortill Ron Bilodeau
6Al Thomson Greg Renton
7Michael Bryan Tony Ibaraki
8Jim Williams Mike Badry
9Yanni Vasilakopoulos Cecil Issel
10Kristi Joyce Cindy Brar
11Jules Looy John Leroy
12Tanya Clark John Davis
13Lois Richmond Dolores Wallace
14Jon Swartz Tanya Clark
15Randy Niemen Gerry Batt
16Brian Feldman Jim Williams

Please Support Our Sponsors

Brent Snelling Real EstateAsham Curling SuppliesLaBellePatateKeith Berkes Realestate