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Esquimalt Curling Club

Ladies Valentine Bonspiel

Jan 30-Feb 1, 2015

Another successful year. Congratulations to all the curlers and thank you to those that make this event possible.

The Bonspiel Results:
'A' Event
1stToni Tomlinson
2ndShaunna Haynes
3rdDolores Wallace
4thJang Hyeji
'B' Event
1stChris Shepherd
2ndMarilyn Kraeker
3rdJoanne Stansky
4thTanya Clark
'C' Event
1stCindy Marven
2ndFrances Benedict
3rdMaryLynne Rimer
4thSandra Thomas
The Bonspiel Results:
'A' Event
1stToni Tomlinson
2ndShaunna Haynes
3rdDolores Wallace
4thJang Hyeji
'B' Event
1stChris Shepherd
2ndMarilyn Kraeker
3rdJoanne Stansky
4thTanya Clark
'C' Event
1stCindy Marven
2ndFrances Benedict
3rdMaryLynne Rimer
4thSandra Thomas


Rank2014/15     2013/14     2012/13     2011/12
1Toni Tomlinson Bailey Tinkler Nancy Campbell Pauline Nantes
2Shaunna Haynes Joyce Mylymok Lois Richmond Loretta Patterson
3Dolores Wallace Marilyn Kraeker Frances Benedict Fran Benedict
4Jang Hyeji Joyce Adams Michelle Vecqueray Toni Tomlinson
5Chris Shepherd Pauline Nantes Bernice Dallin Chris Shepherd
6Marilyn Kraeker Suzanne Dowdall Lu Neilson Ethel Vincent
7Joanne Stansky Rachel Moore Darleen Warburton Michelle Cox
8Tanya Clark Lorna Taylor Yvonne Leach Bernice Dallin
9Cindy Marven Dolores Wallace Judy Bell Sue Ovans
10Frances Benedict Lois Richmond Gerane Iuvale Evelina Devries
11MaryLynne Rimer Darleen Warburton Evelina Devries Judy Bell
12Sandra Thomas Lori Zacek Sherry Stinson Darleen Warburton


Rank2014/15     2013/14
1Toni Tomlinson Bailey Tinkler
2Shaunna Haynes Joyce Mylymok
3Dolores Wallace Marilyn Kraeker
4Jang Hyeji Joyce Adams
5Chris Shepherd Pauline Nantes
6Marilyn Kraeker Suzanne Dowdall
7Joanne Stansky Rachel Moore
8Tanya Clark Lorna Taylor
9Cindy Marven Dolores Wallace
10Frances Benedict Lois Richmond
11MaryLynne Rimer Darleen Warburton
12Sandra Thomas Lori Zacek

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